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    450 900 


    by Paul Abrams (Author), Roger Feneley (Author), Michael Torrens (Author)

    1. Introduction.- 2. Patient Assessment.- 3. Urodynamic Investigations.- 4. The Interpretation of Urodynamic Findings.- 5. The Clinical Contribution of Urodynamics.- 6. The Organisation of Urodynamic Units.- Appendix 1 International Continence Society Reports.- Appendix 2 Computer Proforma.- Appendix 3 Manufacturers of Equipment.- Appendix 4 Bibliography.

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    Male Infertility

    600 1,250 

    Male Infertility

    by TB Hargreave (ed.)

    Twenty five years ago the subject of male infertility scarcely existed in urological practice. At that time semen analysis was a rather cursory microscopic test, the scope of endocrine and hormone tests was limited and debate about the relevance of a varicocele was only just beginning. Since then, progress has owed about as much to sociological change as medical progress. Acceptance that problems of fertility should be shared between partners is now no longer questioned and the willingness of both husband and wife to recognize this and to seek help has been an important change in clinical practice. This book is concerned primarily with male infertility and it will be evident that this is now a substantial subject in its own right. However a need for a broad perspective in this subject is emphasized by a chapter on female assessment as well as reference to female aspects of infertility wherever relevant so that the reader remains properly aware that this subject is a problem for the couple. Because our knowledge of this subject is changing so rapidly, Mr Hargreave has separated the contents into two parts. The first is concerned with basic biological problems and investigations with a full evaluation of current knowledge and methods. Also, details of new techniques that offer the prospect of real progress are a special attraction in this section.

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    Controversies and Innovations in Urological Surgery (Clinical Practice in Urology)1st ed by J. Clive Gingell (Editor), Paul H. Abrams (Editor) The title of this book is a challenge. Anyone with the least knowledge of present day urology will know that there are many very controversial aspects of this subject. Urology is not alone in this unsettled environment for there are similar debates in almost all other aspects of surgery. In addition to the rapid changes in technology, an important part of the explanation for these controversies is simply that more surgeons are prepared to admit that no area of their work is so established that it does not bear further scrutiny and assessment. Argument can be tedious but debate is healthy. This book aims to present material that is debatable: experienced practitioners of each topic explain why an opinion or preference can be sustained. The purist might wish to have these opinions resolved by a well-planned clinical trial, but experience of clinical trials shows that they do not always produce results that are easily translated into a positive change in clinical practice. Would the reader be persuaded more by a statistically significant difference or by an experienced clinician who has reached certain conclusions? Both are risky, but since surgical techniques are often not easily converted into appropriate studies or trials the Editors have obtained the best opinion on each controversy and innovation. The media adore controversy for its own sake. The medical profession accepts controversy but knows that few events in medicine are absolute and few procedures can be done only by one method. You can buy this product at Gangaram Jinnah Medical Books Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.  
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    Tumours in Urology Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed

    by David E. Neal (Editor)

    The growth of uro-oncology has been one of the dramatic features of the past decade in urology. Basic science research into the immunol­ ogy and molecular biology of cancer is beginning to impact on clinical urology and this poses a number of problems, both for practising urologists and basic scientists. If they are going to contribute to future research in this area they will have to communicate with each other: at present there is a gap which is widening at an increasingly rapid rate. One of the aims of this book is to bridge this gap by collating the views of a group of internationally distinguished scientists and clinicians in order to make this information more easily accessible. It is intended that the book will be useful to any urologist interested in recent developments in uro-oncology both at the clinical and basic science level. I believe the book has a useful function not otherwise fulfilled by present texts. The first section of the book is directed towards bladder cancer.

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    Lasers in Urology: Principles and Practice (The Bloomsbury Series in Clinical Science) 1st Edition

    by Thomas A. McNicholas (Editor)

    The use oflasers in clinical practice is increasing rapidly, both in the definitive treatment of disease and in the palliation of symp­ toms. Consequently, this sixth contribution to the Bloomsbury Series in Clinical Science is particularly timely. It opens with an introduction to the basic physics of lasers and then focuses on the current use of lasers in urological practice, and concludes by reflecting on their potential for the future. Edited, and with several contributions by Tom McNicholas, the book also contains contributions from a number of workers at the National Medical Laser Centre in University College Hos­ pital. London. Given their ever widening application, there can be little doubt that lasers will be a subject the series will return to again. To date, the series has been concerned with a wide range of topics of fundamental importance in clinical science. It has now gained momentum and future titles continue to reflect its wide sphere of interest. As Series Editor, I would welcome suggestions from readers of topics and issues that could usefully be addressed in the series.

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    Urological Prostheses, Appliances and Catheters (Clinical Practice in Urology)

    by J. P. Pryor (Author)

    A further volume in the successful 'Clinical Practice in Urology' series Urological Protheses, Appliances and Catheters, provides for the first time practical information on all those aspects of urology which depend on manufactures articles that are inserted in or attached to patients.

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    Adenocarcinoma of the Prostate (Clinical Practice in Urology)

    by Andrew W. Bruce (Editor), John Trachtenberg (Editor)

    Carcinoma of the prostate increasingly dominates the attention of urologists for both scientific and clinical reasons. The search for an explanation and the prediction of the variable behaviour of the malignant prostatic cell continues unabated. The search for more precise tumour staging and more effective treatment is equally vigorous. Editors Andrew Bruce and John Trachtenberg have assembled acknowledged leaders in prostate cancer to present those areas of direct interest to the clinician. There are a number of other topics that might have been considered but most of these, such as experimental tumour models or biochemical factors affecting cell growth, still lack immediate application for the clinician. Carcinoma of the prostate continues to have its highest incidence in the western world, and the difference in comparison with the incidence in the Far East appears to be real and not masked by diagnostic or other factors. A number of other epidemiological aspects need careful analysis: Is the incidence increasing? Is the survival improving? Is the prognosis worse in the younger patient? Epidemiological data are easily misused and misinterpreted so that a precise analysis of the known facts makes an important opening chapter to this book.

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    Percutaneous and Interventional Urology and Radiology (Clinical Practice in Urology)

    by Erich K. Lang (Editor)

    Any book with the words percutaneous and interventional is immediately identified as one that brings to its readers a distillation of a number of new and exciting techniques. Percutaneous is not exactly a new word but it has come to take on an entirely new meaning in recent years. Interventional is a recent acquisition to medical language indicating an entirely new approach to many aspects of medical management. Exactly when is the right time to make a distillation of new thoughts and expertise requires something of the art of a master brewer. First the ingredients must be prepared, the recipe must be just right, there must be excellent quality control as well as the master brewer's touch to produce the product when the time is right. Dr. Lang has assembled just the right ingredients in the form of a very impressive team of experts in these new fields of uroradiology and urological management. Ventures into percutaneous urology may date back 30 years but the main growth in the range of procedures and the development of the technology has occurred only in the last 10 years. Relieving upper tract obstruction seemed a natural sequel to renal biopsy but the imagination to develop an effective treatment for stones was an impressive extension of the concept of minimally invasive surgery.

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    Bladder Cancer (Clinical Practice in Urology)

    by E.J. Zingg (Author), D.M.A. Wallace (Editor)

    Cancer of the bladder has a bad the combination of urinary problems and malignancy gives just cause for continuing concern. Not only is this common cancer a burden to the patient but, because of the need for regular follow-up, it creates a large workload on the urological services. It might be imagined that the bladder would give early warning signals of disease, and indeed it may do so; yet it can also be hesitant to reveal its severity. Thus there are many problems that create challenges in the diagnosis and management. Prevention is still the first goal of an oncologist, with early detection of early disease being the next best option. Early bladder cancer is amenable to several therapeutic approaches, but we have still to determine the best approach. The management of more advanced invasive bladder cancer all too often leads to disappointment, and we remain uncertain as to the optimum approach-surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy or some combination of these. Although none of these problems may be fully answered either now or in the near future, many people are working towards their solution, and the rate of progress needs to be documented from time to time. This volume aims to set the standard for the present state of our knowledge on bladder cancer. The editors, Professor Ernst Zingg and Mr'. Michael Wallace, have gathered together the best opinions on a wide range of topics relating to bladder cancer.

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    The Pharmacology of the Urinary Tract (Clinical Practice in Urology)1st ed

    by M. Caine (Editor)

    The interface between the urologist and other disciplines in medicine continues to increase as the character of urology continues to change. Urologists have, for example, developed strong links with microbiol­ ogists over mutual problems of infection in the urinary tract, urolog­ ists have been involved in the development of modern management of renal disease and especially renal failure, indeed even before the subject of nephrology had been defined. Similarly the links between endocrinology and infertility and more recently links between imaging and urology have led to the mutual benefit of these subjects and certainly to better patient care. The Pharmacology of the urinary tract has proved to be a difficult area of study. Slowly but progressively it has become evident that this is an area of great potential for urologists. Our patients have a range of problems where non-surgical management would be ideal but finding the right drug for the right condition has remained an elusive task. Many of the earlier trials showed an impressive placebo­ response rate and emphasised the need for well planned controlled clinical trials. The place of such trials in the evaluation of new treatments for urinary symptoms is now unchallenged and uncon­ trolled data are of little value. This book represents a skillful combination of background infor­ mation and its clinical application. The review of the pharmacokine­ tics of the various groups of drugs provides a very useful background to both the use of current drugs and also the prospects for the future.

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    Combination Therapy in Urological Malignancy

    by Philip H. (ed) SMITH (Author)

    Any discussion of the present success in management of urological cancers evokes a mixed response. Oncologists and urologists can enjoy the success with chemotherapy for testicular cancers but cannot forget the dismal results with any form of treatment, other than surgery, for renal carcinoma. But these are the less frequent urolegi­ cal what are the attitudes to the more common prostate and bladder cancers. Intensive study, many clinical trials and much debate lead us to the conclusion that we understand them better, we can tailor the treatment more appropriately to the individual patient but there remains some uncertainty as to the overall success that we have achieved. There have been no striking changes in the 5-year survival data. Clinicians tend to see their success in terms of their special interest. Radiotherapists point to their success in stage-reduction but what are we to do with the many patients whose tumour is unaltered by radiotherapy. Urological surgeons, and especially those who are still influenced by the shadow of Halsted, point to their success in excising the cancer but apart from that highly selected group, what are we to do for the very large number of patients for whom surgery is inappro­ priate. Bystanders can only watch and listen to the arguments for and against these views.

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    Urinary Diversion (Clinical Practice in Urology)1st ed

    by M.H. Ashken (Editor), G.D. Chisholm (Introduction)

    Such an important subject as urinary diversion is unlikely to remain unchanged and unchallenged for long. The problem is to determine when is an appropriate time to examine current clinical practice of this major urological procedure. Historically, urinary diversion began with attempts to resolve the distressing problems associated with ectopia vesicae; later, urinary diversion was extended to help those patients with neurological problems of bladder function and with malignant diseases of the lower urinary tract. A significant landmark in the development and use of these procedures came with the introduction of a uretero-ileostomy (ileal conduit) by Bricker. With this diversion, faecal and urinary streams were separated and the incidence of metabolic and infective problems dramatically reduced. The procedure was received with great enthusiasm and indeed the pendulum soon swung so far in its favour that some urologists would scarcely admit to carrying out an occasional ureterosigmoidostomy. The impact of change in a surgical technique can be slow to determine especially when, numerically, it is an uncommon procedure and when the follow-up is hoped to match normal life expectancy. Thus the impact of ileal conduits has taken some years to evaluate and only during the past decade have the data been sufficient to show the advantages and disadvantages. This book is a landmark in the literature on this subject. The editor has selected eminent contributors who have described the main clinical groups where urinary diversion is an important aspect of management.

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    Nephrology and Urology in the Aged Patient

    by Dimitrios G. Oreopoulos (Editor), M.F. Michelis (Editor), S. Herschorn (Editor)

    The master tool of logic is the syllogism. If A> Band B> C, then it must follow as the night the day that A > C. If the major and minor premises are true or scientifically correct by current knowledge, the conclusion is true or at least scientifically correct by current knowledge. The demographer of today beams a clear message, which if not true is at least scientifically correct by current knowledge. In the first 80 years of the Twentieth Century, the 'over-65' population of Americans increased eight­ fold. By century's end it will have increased 12-fold and shortly thereafter will include one in five Americans. While initially a fact of the developed world, the pace of similar graying is accelerating even more rapidly in the Second and Third Worlds. This gray delta constitutes about 35 million living Americans, who may use one-half or more of the health care resources. A would have to be a lot more foolish than B if they failed to recognize that in the coming decade the causation, case-mix, and area of the gray delta demands a change from early, mid-or even later-century medicine. If Homer Smith was right in saying, "We are what we are because we have the kind of kidneys we have" and "The kidneys make the stuff of philosophy", then the who, what, where, when, and why the gray delta will be cared for must focus on the stuff of geriatric nephrology.

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    Clinical Urology Illustrated

    750 1,500 

     Clinical Urology Illustrated

    by R.B. Brown (Author)

    In this precise and authoritative urological text Mr Ronald Brown and his associates have scored two firsts. In its emphasis throughout on the im­ portance of clinical assessment, history taking and physical examination, together with its wealth of illustrations, it offers a' unique view of genitourinary medicine; and it is the first clinical urology text to be written by an Australian. The authors' approach to their subject is ideal for students and physicians confronted with patients with genitourinary problems. The text is concise, the references valuable and the index comprehensive. I was particularly in­ terested in the chapter on Paediatric Urology with its admirably succinct of hypospadias, but the outstanding feature of the whole book discussion is the line drawings and illustrative x-rays, not only excellent in themselves but in their presentation: the clear uncrowded layout making it easy for the reader to consult the appropriate illustration nearby, and where helpful there has been no hesitation in using the same diagram in several different places. If my students know everything that's in this book they will know more than most urologists. It is especially gratifying to me to see this fine book emanate from Australia and to know that four of the authors have had their stimulus to excellence in work here at UCLA.

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    Pediatric Robotic Urology 1st ed

    by Jeffrey S. Palmer (Editor)

    Robotic technology has paved the way for new opportunities in pediatric urologic surgery. Where once laparoscopy was restricted to urological conditions in children such as undescended testicles and ambiguous genitalia, robotic techniques are now enabling the completion of greatly needed, more involved procedures. Written by highly respected surgeons, Pediatric Robotic Urology provides a state-of-the-art, comprehensive overview of the precise surgical techniques that are changing the practice of pediatric urologic surgery. Divided in two sections and covering both introductory topics and advanced surgical techniques, Pediatric Robotic Urology also includes myriad illustrations and photographs of intraoperative procedures. Developed for accessible reading, this invaluable title is a concise, yet broad reference that is certain to be of significant value to urologists, surgeons, and all health care providers who care for pediatric urologic patients.

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    Drug Treatment in Urology

    600 1,200 

    Drug Treatment in Urology

    by Ian Eardley (Editor), Peter Whelan (Editor), Roger S. Kirby (Editor), Anthony Schaeffer (Editor)

    A working guide to the use of drugs in the treatment of urological disease The content is arranged so that the busy urologist can go quickly and easily to the relevant section Coverage of treatment is evidence-based It is the only current book on drug treatment in urology Great strides have been made in the understanding of the scientific basis of urological conditions and this has allowed the development of drugs for a wide variety of urological disorders.

    This book provides urologists with a working guide to the rapidly growing armoury of drugs available to them.

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    Genitourinary Pain and Inflammation:: Diagnosis and Management

    by Jeannette M. Potts (Editor)

    Any physician who sees men or women for signs or symptoms presenting below the umbilicus would appreciate this comprehensive text in which multiple subspecialists share their perspective with respect to organ-specific disorders as well as the myriad overlapping syndromes that may manifest as genitourinary (GU) inflammation or pain. Unlike other fields, the subspecialty of pain, particularly genitourinary or pelvic pain, suffers from the lack of objective data and the paucity of level 1 evidence-based studies. I recall an article about fibromyalgia read many years ago, in which the author stated, “the lack of level 1 evidence places a premium on the physician’s creativity.” Genitourinary Pain and Inflammation: Diagnosis and Management is a compilation of expert creativity and opinion based on critical review of the literature, consensus reports, and the authors’ professional experiences. Inflammation and pain caused by infectious etiologies are presented by experts in urological and gastrointestinal fields. Pain syndromes specific to the pelvic floor or genitourinary system are discussed from several perspectives: gynecology, rheumatology, urology, physical medicine, and psychiatry. We also include chapters addressing iatrogenic causes of GU inflammation, such as those caused by catheters, prosthetics, radiation, or chemotherapy. Management by means of pharmacological, surgical, or alternative methods is likewise considered within the context of specific disease entities, as well as within the separate therapeutic chapters.

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    Textbook of Laparoscopic Urology 1st Edition

    by Inderbir S. Gill (Editor)

    Divided into eleven detailed sections, this reference displays the expertise and research of specialists from leading urology centers around the world and offers authoritative chapters on the entire spectrum of urologic laparoscopy. The chapters cover methods in patient selection, peri-operative management, and complication avoidance; step-by-step descriptions of specific techniques; and the pros and cons of each procedure for a clear grasp of the many principles and practices currently utilized in the field.

    Placed alongside the Atlas of Laparoscopic Urology with DVDs, this set will likely become the standard reference text in the field of urologic laparoscopic surgery.

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    Essential Urologic Laparoscopy: The Complete Clinical Guide (Current Clinical Urology) 2nd ed

    by Stephen Y. Nakada (Editor), Sean Hedican (Editor)

    In Essential Urologic Laparoscopy: The Complete Clinical Guide, Second Edition, editors Sean P. Hedican and Stephen Y. Nakada provide a complete update of their critically acclaimed first edition while adding new material related to Hand Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Cystectomy, Laparoscopic Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection and Laparoscopic Assisted Renal Ablation. The authors offer clear, concise chapters focusing on getting started, laparoscopic instrumentation, and step-by-step procedural adult laparoscopy. Each chapter is organized so that the reader can easily identify key points and pitfalls, providing user-friendly text that describes the essential equipment necessary for performing urologic laparoscopy. Authorative and highly practical, Essential Urologic Laparoscopy: The Complete Clinical Guide, Second Edition provides a comprehensive guide to performing effective and cutting-edge urologic laparoscopy and is a must have for any urologist looking to create, maintain, or expand a successful practice in minimally invasive urologic surgery.

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    ABC of Urology (ABC Series)

    150 300 

    ABC of Urology (ABC Series)

    by Chris Dawson (Author), Hugh N. Whitfield (Author)

    Urological problems encompass a wide range of both distressing and potentially life threatening conditions and the number of general practice presentations is growing rapidly due to the increasing age of the population. Both reliable and comprehensive, the second edition of the ABC of Urology provides a thoroughly updated and revised guide to the speciality which highlights the recent advances in this area. Concentrating specifically on the treatment and diagnosis of the most common conditions, the emphasis is on shared care, where the skills of the primary care team are used in conjunction with hospital referral. This concise, well-illustrated and highly practical text will provide the perfect reference for general practitioners and practice nurses, as well as junior doctors handling hospital referrals.

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