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    ABC of Urology (ABC Series)

    150 300 

    ABC of Urology (ABC Series)

    by Chris Dawson (Author), Hugh N. Whitfield (Author)

    Urological problems encompass a wide range of both distressing and potentially life threatening conditions and the number of general practice presentations is growing rapidly due to the increasing age of the population. Both reliable and comprehensive, the second edition of the ABC of Urology provides a thoroughly updated and revised guide to the speciality which highlights the recent advances in this area. Concentrating specifically on the treatment and diagnosis of the most common conditions, the emphasis is on shared care, where the skills of the primary care team are used in conjunction with hospital referral. This concise, well-illustrated and highly practical text will provide the perfect reference for general practitioners and practice nurses, as well as junior doctors handling hospital referrals.

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    Basic Urology History Taking And Physical Examination By Atallah Ahmed Shaaban You can buy this product at Gangaram Jinnah Medical Books Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.
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     ABC of Urology 3rd Edition

    200 400 

     ABC of Urology 3rd Edition

    by Chris Dawson (Author), Janine Nethercliffe (Author)

    The ABC of Urology provides a comprehensive review of current practice in urology and is a structured and practical guide to the diagnosis, treatment and management of the most common urological conditions. This new third edition has been fully revised and expanded with additional chapters and improved coverage of renal and testis cancer, management of haematuria, laparoscopy, trauma and new urological advances. Prostate, bladder, renal and penile cancers are also covered in detail and new techniques and procedures for safer and effective treatment options are featured. The ABC of Urology is the ideal reference for general practitioners and general practitioner trainees, junior doctors and practice nurses, medical students and all primary health care professionals working to provide the best possible care for patients with urological conditions.

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    Clinical Guidelines in Urological Management (Recent Advances in Endourology, 4)

    by S. Ohshima (Editor), Y. Hirao (Editor)

    The twenty-first century will be the era of the market economy, a century char­ acterized by the penetration of market forces into every social field, even into government activities, education, and medical care. Guidelines for the provision of clinical care have been developed in recent years chiefly in American health-care services, which are the most thoroughly exposed to the market economy. The problem of escalating medical costs in the United States led the government and consumer groups to introduce clinical practice guidelines. Guidelines were introduced to control medical costs and quality. Initially, guidelines were developed mainly on the consumer side, but professionals, too, soon recognized the importance of clinical practice guidelines. The involvement of diverse groups in the development of guidelines has inten­ sified the need to create and improve scientific methods for drawing up those guidelines. Owing to the development of systematic and structured abstraction methods, evidence-based guidelines have been proposed. Principally, guidelines are a sum­ mary of published treatments created by statistical analysis of clinical outcomes.

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    Gynecology and Obstetrics Urology (Fibrin Sealing in Surgical and Nonsurgical Fields Book 7) 1st Edition

    by Günther Schlag (Editor), D. Wallwiener (Editor), H. Melchior (Editor)

    The use of fibrin glue in gynecological and urological surgery is an established procedure. An international team of authors offers an update review including the most recent possibilities for applying fibrin sealants, e.g. in reconstructive urological surgery.

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    Urinary Diversion (Clinical Practice in Urology)1st ed

    by M.H. Ashken (Editor), G.D. Chisholm (Introduction)

    Such an important subject as urinary diversion is unlikely to remain unchanged and unchallenged for long. The problem is to determine when is an appropriate time to examine current clinical practice of this major urological procedure. Historically, urinary diversion began with attempts to resolve the distressing problems associated with ectopia vesicae; later, urinary diversion was extended to help those patients with neurological problems of bladder function and with malignant diseases of the lower urinary tract. A significant landmark in the development and use of these procedures came with the introduction of a uretero-ileostomy (ileal conduit) by Bricker. With this diversion, faecal and urinary streams were separated and the incidence of metabolic and infective problems dramatically reduced. The procedure was received with great enthusiasm and indeed the pendulum soon swung so far in its favour that some urologists would scarcely admit to carrying out an occasional ureterosigmoidostomy. The impact of change in a surgical technique can be slow to determine especially when, numerically, it is an uncommon procedure and when the follow-up is hoped to match normal life expectancy. Thus the impact of ileal conduits has taken some years to evaluate and only during the past decade have the data been sufficient to show the advantages and disadvantages. This book is a landmark in the literature on this subject. The editor has selected eminent contributors who have described the main clinical groups where urinary diversion is an important aspect of management.

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    Gasless Single-Port RoboSurgeon Surgery in Urology 1st ed by Kazunori Kihara (Editor) This book focuses on a novel series of minimally invasive surgeries performed without gas insufflation and through a single port using the RoboSurgeon system. The concept of RoboSurgeon surgery involves a degree of “robotization” of the operator and participants. The operator, wearing a head-mounted display, uses robot-like handheld instruments. The endoscope is controlled by the movement of the operator’s head using a gyro-sensor system. All participants wearing head-mounted displays can see the same images as the operator does. Although this surgery is mainly intended for urological cancers, it may also be applicable for various operations concerning other urological diseases, as well as for the treatment of diseases in different medical fields. The system has the potential to become the new standard in robotic surgery. This solution may be a boon to many patients around the world, especially in the aging societies many countries are now facing.​ You can buy this product at Gangaram Jinnah Medical Books Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.
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    Urology Instrumentation: A Comprehensive Guide 1st Edition

    by Ravindra B. Sabnis (Editor), Sujata K. Patwardhan (Editor), Arvind P. Ganpule (Editor), Amit S. Bhattu (Editor), Abhishek G. Singh (Editor)

    Brand New International Paper-back Edition Same as per description, **Economy edition, May have been printed in Asia with cover stating Not for sale in US. Legal to use despite any disclaimer on cover. Save Money. Contact us for any queries. Best Customer Support! All Orders shipped with Tracking Number

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    Combination Therapy in Urological Malignancy

    by Philip H. (ed) SMITH (Author)

    Any discussion of the present success in management of urological cancers evokes a mixed response. Oncologists and urologists can enjoy the success with chemotherapy for testicular cancers but cannot forget the dismal results with any form of treatment, other than surgery, for renal carcinoma. But these are the less frequent urolegi­ cal what are the attitudes to the more common prostate and bladder cancers. Intensive study, many clinical trials and much debate lead us to the conclusion that we understand them better, we can tailor the treatment more appropriately to the individual patient but there remains some uncertainty as to the overall success that we have achieved. There have been no striking changes in the 5-year survival data. Clinicians tend to see their success in terms of their special interest. Radiotherapists point to their success in stage-reduction but what are we to do with the many patients whose tumour is unaltered by radiotherapy. Urological surgeons, and especially those who are still influenced by the shadow of Halsted, point to their success in excising the cancer but apart from that highly selected group, what are we to do for the very large number of patients for whom surgery is inappro­ priate. Bystanders can only watch and listen to the arguments for and against these views.

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    The Pharmacology of the Urinary Tract (Clinical Practice in Urology)1st ed

    by M. Caine (Editor)

    The interface between the urologist and other disciplines in medicine continues to increase as the character of urology continues to change. Urologists have, for example, developed strong links with microbiol­ ogists over mutual problems of infection in the urinary tract, urolog­ ists have been involved in the development of modern management of renal disease and especially renal failure, indeed even before the subject of nephrology had been defined. Similarly the links between endocrinology and infertility and more recently links between imaging and urology have led to the mutual benefit of these subjects and certainly to better patient care. The Pharmacology of the urinary tract has proved to be a difficult area of study. Slowly but progressively it has become evident that this is an area of great potential for urologists. Our patients have a range of problems where non-surgical management would be ideal but finding the right drug for the right condition has remained an elusive task. Many of the earlier trials showed an impressive placebo­ response rate and emphasised the need for well planned controlled clinical trials. The place of such trials in the evaluation of new treatments for urinary symptoms is now unchallenged and uncon­ trolled data are of little value. This book represents a skillful combination of background infor­ mation and its clinical application. The review of the pharmacokine­ tics of the various groups of drugs provides a very useful background to both the use of current drugs and also the prospects for the future.

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    Lasers in Urology: Principles and Practice (The Bloomsbury Series in Clinical Science) 1st Edition

    by Thomas A. McNicholas (Editor)

    The use oflasers in clinical practice is increasing rapidly, both in the definitive treatment of disease and in the palliation of symp­ toms. Consequently, this sixth contribution to the Bloomsbury Series in Clinical Science is particularly timely. It opens with an introduction to the basic physics of lasers and then focuses on the current use of lasers in urological practice, and concludes by reflecting on their potential for the future. Edited, and with several contributions by Tom McNicholas, the book also contains contributions from a number of workers at the National Medical Laser Centre in University College Hos­ pital. London. Given their ever widening application, there can be little doubt that lasers will be a subject the series will return to again. To date, the series has been concerned with a wide range of topics of fundamental importance in clinical science. It has now gained momentum and future titles continue to reflect its wide sphere of interest. As Series Editor, I would welcome suggestions from readers of topics and issues that could usefully be addressed in the series.

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    Urology: the last review Rapid-revision for FEBU and European board exams

    By Inês C. Santiago, MD, FEBU · 2022

    Urology: the last review is a study tool for Urology postgraduate exams, such as Fellow of the European Board of Urology (FEBU) and other European board exams.

    This book is the result of my own study, before successfuly completing the German Board and FEBU exams. It condenses information from the latest 2022 EAU Guidelines, ESMO Guidelines and various classic textbooks, focusing on what you must really know. Thus, you should look elsewhere for a starting point in your study of Urology. Instead, use it for rapid revision—you can read most chapters in 10 to 20 minutes. In addition to the text, the book also contains hand-drawn illustrations, as well as flowcharts, all in color. Throughout the book, I've added links to publicly available imaging resources. Finally, to further help you study, each chapter ends with true or false questions.

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    The Urology Bank of 1111 MCQs

    400 800 

    The Urology Bank of 1111 MCQs

    by Atif Katib (Author)

    We aim at testing knowledge acquisition and application, albeit data analysis is tested in fewer instances. The questions are presented in Calibri (body) theme font to provide the best readability. The questions` stems are short, bold, and typed in size 14 font. Each question has four options. It is hard for a test taker who doesn’t know the answer to guesstimate. We have used plausible distractors and avoided double negatives. Furthermore, we have used the finished and unfinished statement styles and avoided complex structures of questions. We have implemented the (how common is …) and (what is the likelihood that …) styles of questions as we believe that the reader`s intuition and clinical sense last longer, in mind, than figures do.

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    Pediatric Urology (Atlas of Clinical Urology)

    by E. Darracott Jr. Vaughan (Editor), Aaron P. Perlmutter (Editor)

    As urology enters the 21st century, it is appropriate that the Atlas of vena caval surgery are clearly illustrated and are combined with Clinical Urology series captures and explains the major areas of an understanding of the appropriate patient populations for these modern urologic practice using a unique combination of images, procedures. This section also includes the management of benign schematics, tables, and algorithms. It does so in a compelling and malignant adrenal disorders. Michael Marberger has assem­ fashion, by combining a multilevel approach that includes the indi­ bled an extremely diverse and important set of noncancerous vidual volumes and the internet. Urology is a specialty of great diseases of the kidney. Nephrolithiasis management is covered breadth, and visual images provide much of the backbone of from medical therapy to endoscopy to incisional surgery. The urologic diagnosis and endoscopy and are key to surgical tech­ important role that laparoscopy has established in both excisional nique. The increasingly complex diagnostic and treatment paths are and reconstructive renal surgery is visually depicted and best depicted and understood as visual algorithms. explained. The evolution of the techniques illustrated in this The editors of this five-volume series have not only contributed section will likely provide the basis for renal intervention in the their world-renowned expertise to the chapters but have also 21st century. assembled an outstanding group of individual chapter authors.

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    Botulinum Toxin in Urology

    400 850 

    Botulinum Toxin in Urology

    by Michael B. Chancellor (Author), Christopher P. Smith (Author)

    Bladder injection of onabotulinumtoxinA for the treatment of urinary incontinence due to neurogenic detrusor overactivity has recently been approved by regulatory agencies in several EU countries and by the FDA in the United States. This is the first book to focus on the practical application of botulinum toxin (BoNT) in the genitourinary tract. It covers in detail applications of BoNT in the bladder and the prostate and pelvic floor, with reviews of the latest clinical series and techniques in both adults and children. Appendices containing easy-to- read instructions for patients undergoing bladder and prostate BoNT injections are included, in addition to procedural guidelines for nursing staff. The book is written in a concise, clinically relevant style by two leading pioneers in the field, who were the first to undertake comprehensive basic research into the mechanisms underlying the efficacy and potential uses of BoNT within the lower urinary tract.

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    Diagnostic Techniques in Urology

    by Ben Challacombe (Editor), Simon Bott (Editor)

    Urological disease affects huge numbers of patients at some point in their lives. Diagnostic techniques are critical to ensure the correct diagnosis is made in a timely manner. A huge number of new technologies have been introduced in recent years to aid in this diagnostic pathway in the form of urine tests, blood tests and imaging modalities. Both urologists and other clinicians interested in urology have struggled to keep up with the rapid evolution of these techniques. This book contains up to date and state of the art contributions from major names in the field. It describes the diagnostic pathways for the key aspects of urological disease. Readers will be able to equate symptoms and signs with the relevant investigations. The book focuses on the diagnostic pathways involved, bringing together international leaders in the field who describe the current status of urological investigation.

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    Emergency Urology 1st Edition

    400 800 

    Emergency Urology 1st Edition

    by Dr David Thurtle BMedSci BMBS MRCS (Editor), Dr Suzanne Biers BSc MBBS MD FRCS (Urol) (Editor), Dr Michal Sut Lek Med MMedSci FRCS (Urol) (Editor), Dr James Armitage BSc MBBS MD FRCS (Urol) (Editor)

    Urology is a specialty that notoriously receives little attention in medical school, yet it makes up a sizeable portion of the workload in emergency departments and also in primary care. Urological emergencies can often be managed simply but require the appropriate knowledge and skills. Emergency urology is often covered very superficially alongside general surgery or in excessive detail within voluminous urology textbooks.

    This book is different: it consists of concise, well-structured chapters, with an accessible and easily digestible style. The content is clinically-based and includes a number of clinical photographs and radiological investigations.

    This book will appeal to all doctors, including those rotating through surgical and emergency medicine specialties, and those clinicians approaching professional examinations worldwide. Medical students on urology or emergency medicine placements, who are studying for their exams will also find it invaluable. In addition, primary care doctors, specialty nurses in urology and nurses in the emergency department may also appreciate the clinically relevant content of the book.

    The authors are all dedicated to education and teaching, and have published extensively. In addition, they run a successful emergency urology course in Cambridge, popular with clinicians and senior students alike.

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    Functional Urologic Surgery in Neurogenic and Oncologic Diseases 1st Edition

    by Antonio Carbone (Editor), Giovanni Palleschi (Editor), Antonio Luigi Pastore (Editor), Aurel Messas (Editor)

    This book offers a comprehensive guide to state-of-the-art techniques in functional urologic surgery that minimize functional damage to the urinary tract and are of particular value in patients with oncologic or neurogenic diseases. It describes the main minimally invasive surgical techniques currently available step by step, while also offering guidance on indications and how to select appropriate surgical devices to achieve specific oncological and functional outcomes. Further, the book presents data from relevant case series, documenting the favorable functional and oncologic results achieved with these techniques and devices as well as the low associated morbidity and positive impacts on quality of life. Lastly, it offers advice on preoperative assessment and postoperative care, and presents specific diagnostic algorithms of value in daily clinical practice. The contributing authors represent an international mix of respected experts carefully selected for their knowledge of the topics discussed.

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    MCQs for the FRCS(Urol) and Postgraduate Urology Examinations 1st Edition

    Original price was: 649 ₨.Current price is: 449 ₨.

    MCQs for the FRCS(Urol) and Postgraduate Urology Examinations 1st Edition

    by Manit Arya (Editor) The aim of this book is to provide a selection of representative MCQs together with a detailed explanation of each answer covering the topic in depth. Each chapter has been written by experienced Urological surgeons who have already been successful in passing the examination. In addition to the FRCS(Urol) examination MCQs form the basis of equivalent postgraduate Urological examinations internationally and the scope of this book will be an invaluable addition to individuals sitting the FEBU and similar exams in the USA, Australia and Asian countries. Established consultants may also find the text useful as a ‘refresher’ in areas outside their subspecialist interest.  
    • ISBN-10: 0367076187
    • ISBN-13: 978-0367076184
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    Clinical Application of Urologic Catheters, Devices and Products 1st ed.

    by Diane K. Newman (Author), Eric S. Rovner (Author), Alan J. Wein (Author)

    Designed to provide a comprehensive and state-of-the-art overview of the use of urologic catheters and devices in clinical practice. Sections of the book have been structured to review the overall indication for the use of urologic catheters and devices, types available, complications and management. This text fills a critical need for resource materials on these topics. The book also includes highly practical presentations and of typical patients with catheters or devices seen in the clinical practice of geriatric urology, all in the form of case presentations with expert analysis and editorial commentary. Highlighting the integrated multidimensional aspects of care for urology patients, this book is unique in the inclusion of collaborating multidisciplinary authors who are all recognized experts in their field. Written entirely by urologic specialists, Clinical Application of Urologic Catheters, Devices and Products provides a unique and valuable resource in the field of practicing urology, for urologists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and for those currently in training.

    You can buy this product at Gangaram Jinnah Medical Books Shop for home delivery and Cash on delivery to all over Pakistan. All kind of medical books are available.
