by Govind Chavhan (Author), Bhavin Jankharia
This is the 1st edition of the book Cross Sectional Anatomy CT and MRI. The text is comprehensive, updated as per the present day requirements in the subject of radiology. The
book has 19 chapters. Each chapter has CT and MRI images in three planes. These images are accompanied by colour diagrams for better understanding of anatomy. Different
structures are labelled on these colour images. CT and MRI images of angiography are also included in the book. The first chapter deals with brain. Next 18 chapters deal with
different regions of body namely skull, orbit, para nasal sinuses, temporomandibular joint, neck, spine, chest, abdomen, pelvis, shoulder, upper limb, lower limb and blood
vessels of upper and lower limbs. A comprehensive index is given at last.
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